Strengths-Based Leadership

Leadership Philosophy: This project outlines my personal positive leadership philosophy through mapping out my positive leadership goals, establishing my commitment statement, explaining the tools I intend to utilize in practicing my leadership philosophy, and identifying my power values. 

Brief Coaching Intervention: The purpose and objectives of this presentation encompass introducing fitness, health and wellness professionals with a strengths-based style for teaching, coaching, and instruction which infuses positive psychology techniques with positive leadership strategies to help individuals achieve performance and personal excellence.  This project taught me how to develop and deliver a sport and performance psychology strategy for a large population which was concise, educational, and informative.

Resilience & Post-Traumatic Growth: This presentation explores the connection between trauma, resilience, and sports in two very divergent contexts and how the interconnectedness of trauma and healing through human movement, human connection and interaction can elicit positive growth and change in individuals; what I would consider the essence of sports psychology.  Continuing to explore how resilience is seen in a variety of contexts exemplifies what this project taught me.  Future expansion of this project is viewing factors that build resilience in individuals across a multicultural lens which includes race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and socio-economic status.  My desire is to create a golden thread between each of these groups and tie how resilience is achieved amidst the daily trauma and stressors these marginalized factions face.  

Strengths-Based Leadership Presentation: This project revolves around one of my foundational theoretical orientations — strengths-based leadership.  Through this presentation I learned how I can use strengths-based leadership and communication skills in a variety of settings including business and sporting contexts.  The presentation outlines where positive leaders can begin using strengths-based techniques, dispels myths regarding vulnerability, and provides a framework of seven actionable steps to jump-start positive leadership within an organization.